Monday, July 28, 2014

Ava Janelle Turns 1 !

Ava's First Year / Happy Ava

Happy Birthday darling Ava.  You make every moment happy. 


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

First Days Home with Baby

Dear first time parents - especially you moms, 

Preparing for parenthood is such a thrill!  Lucky for you, too, the internet has countless websites that provide lists of the products you are going to need to be prepared. But there are less obvious items, but just as crucial, to assist in comforting you and your baby as you both settle in to your new lift.  

Everything on this checklist is targeted to make your days and nights as relaxing and stress-free as possible.  I stand by each and every one of these products and would give a giftbasket with all of them to every new mom, if I could. 

  1. Glider Chair (odomon optional).  Your newborn craves motion, because that is what his life has been up until now. This means spending a lot of time on your feet, swaying and bouncing back and forth. To take some of the pressure off, invest in a Glider chair that allows you to soothe both your baby and yourself. This is especially wonderful for your bedtime routine.  For example, each night I sit with my daughter in our Glider, read her a story, sing a song, say our prayers, and rock until she is nice and relaxed and ready for sleep. 
  2. Nipple Contact Shield.  This tiny piece of plastic was one of the most helpful items during my attempts to breastfeed. Remember, this is the first time breastfeeding for both of you. It is going to take time (for most families, at least) to get the hang of it, and during the waiting game it can take a toll on your emotions and your body - specifically your "ladies". Plus, if your child has difficulty latching on\ like mine did, then this shield not only takes care of reducing some of the pain, it allows your baby to latch better and get the food she needs from mom. 
  3. Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate! Keep a 32oz or 56oz Water Bottle with straw and handle handy at all times. Your body is releasing a lot of fluids due to giving birth and breastfeeding, and you will be more thirsty than ever before in your life. The large container, the handle, and the straw are all crucial.  It allows you to easily pick up and drink without worrying about spills or constantly having to refill. 
  4. Harmony Lantern.  This amazing piece of art is so calming. You can purchase at  It is a desktop lantern (can put on bookshelf, dresser, etc) with changeable inserts that have different themes. A slight breeze or swipe of your hand activates the insert piece to turn, which causes the beautiful shapes and colors to transpire on the wall and spin around as if the pictures were dancing. I have the Safari Animal and Christmas Reindeer inserts.  
  5. Moby Wrap.  Your 2nd best friend. The swing is your #1 BFF, but that's not until #10 on this list. This LONG piece of fabric ties around your body and encompasses your newborn so that she can cradle against you for warmth, comfort, and that good 'ol in-the-womb feeling. This is a saving grace for when you need to get out of the house, or if you simply want your hands free while still holding your infant. 
  6. Pacifiers.  The ones pictured here are wonderful, because you can help keep the binky in your baby's mouth by placing your finger in the little slot built in the back. 
  7. SPROUT App for your iPhone or iPad.  This FREE app allows you to live your days without having to think... because let's be honest, your brain isn't ready to function yet until it can get some sleep.  The app has very user-friendly features that allow you to track the following: 
    1. Feeding: A timer to track how long you feed or pump for and on what side (lef tor right breast)
    2. Sleep: A timer to track when your baby sleeps and for how long.  You hit "Awake" for when baby is awake and "Asleep" for when baby sleeps.  You can't get easier than that. 
    3. Diapers:  How many diapers are you changing and what are the contents like
  8. Halo Sleepsack Swaddler.  This puppy has the Velcro you need to keep your newborn swaddled snug and tight. 
  9. Pandora Radio's station "HEAVENLY LULLABIES".  This is the best station in the world, in my opinion.  It plays instrumental music to modern day songs (Aerosmith and more!).  So, it plays the right kind of music to put your baby to sleep and won't drive you crazy as you listen too. I spend a lot of nights feeding, rocking in my glider, listening to this station and watching the harmony lantern.  Very serene and peaceful. 
  10. #10 is the ULTIMATE baby gear must-have livesaver.  The Fisher-Price My Little SnugaBunny Cradle Swing. Here is why:
    1. Most swings are battery operated, but this model comes with a power cord. 
    2. It has two directions to swing (side to side and front to back). 
    3. It has multiple speed settings, music with volume settings, and a feature that moves little toy birdies around for your little one to look at.  
    4. It is soft and cushioned, and the fabric pieces can come off easily to wash. 
    5. It also has straps to buckle your little one in after they are bigger and able to roll around on their own. 
    6. It transfers easily from room to room or place to place. 
    7. Most importantly, your baby will get amazing sleep in this swing. Which means you can finally rest too. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Diaper Bag Checklist

  1. The bag and a changing pad... 
    • Large side pockets are a must.  They come in handy when you are trying to handle 5 things at once and you need to quickly put something away but don't have time to unzip the bag.
    • Look for a bag that is lined with plastic. So when spills occur (and they will) the bag isn't ruined.
    • I like to stuff in a few disposable pads when we go out for the day or when we travel. I set it down between the public changing table and my own cushioned changing pad, so that I don't have to clean the nice pad later.  
  2. Diapers, wipes, and diaper disposal bags...
    • Pack at least 4 diapers - you never know if your plans will change or a diaper accident may occur. 
    • Pack the disposable bags for when there isn't a trashcan near by or you are visiting someone who doesn't want a poop diaper in their house... because they obviously do not have kids yet.  I have a dog, so honestly I just throw a few of the dog-designated poop bags in instead.
  3. Bottles with extra lids & nipples.
    • If you formula feed, bring bottles with measured out water and a ziplock bag with formula and the correct measuring cup.
  4. Nail clippers, nose aspirator, and hair comb.
    • The nail clippers come in handy for when I need to quickly cut something too, such as the darn plastic piece on her toy that I clearly missed cutting after the purchase which now my daughter is aggressively trying to chew off. Choking Hazard: 1, Mom: 0. 
  5. Don't forget your own wallet, keys, and cellphone!
    • Leave your regular purse at home and instead slip these crucials into one of the diaper bag pockets. If you are anything like me then your regular purse weighs about 10 lbs and contains nothing you need anyhow. 
  6. Muslin blanket. 
    • Not only does it serve the purpose of keeping your baby warm, it can... easily drape over the car seat or stroller to protect baby's skin from the wind or sun; be placed on the grocery basket seat if you forgot your cart cover; be placed on the grass for your impromptu playtime in the park. 
    • To my little girl, her blankie is her security object, so we never leave home without one.
  7. Change of cloths, such as a sleeper, and a sun hat for shelter from sun rays or rain.
  8. Toys to keep your child entertained.
    • Sophie the Giraffe and a Carter's development texture book are featured here. My daughter always chooses these as her go-to for fun.
  9. Pacifiers, if your baby uses them.
    • Mine uses her thumb for soothing, but enjoys a pacifier to chew during teething. 
  10. Hand Sanitizer from Bath & Body Works.  They come in travel size and so many delicious scents. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Is TV Harmful to my Baby?

Am I a bad parent for letting my child watch TV?

I often ask myself this question, and I know other parents do too.

I will admit it. I sometimes let my baby watch tv for about 20 minutes a day (not every day).  I know it isn't supposed to be formative for her and have read that children under 2 years old should never watch television. Ever.  And yet still, I will let her watch. Not because I want a break. Not because I can't wait until she is asleep before watching my shows. It's because she seems to enjoy it! My daughter smiles and sways her arms about whenever a song comes on. She cuddles her blankie, sticks her thumb in her mouth, and leans back to watch one of her morning cartoons (Sophia the First, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse).  So the question I ask myself is: am I a bad parent for endulging her, when studies say I should not? There are days when I say yes (no tv today, babygirl) and days when I say no (you can watch the hot dog song one more time). 

What about you? 
I think all of us parents would like to know what other parents are doing - either to make us feel better or to help us change our ways.
  • Do you let your babies, toddlers, and/or children watch TV? 
  • How much TV are they allowed to watch in a day? 
  • What are their favorite television shows?
Or, take the survey on this topic, which you can access on the homepage.

There are a lot of studies out there that state the negatives of allowing children to watch television.  We've all read them... and yet many of us still allow our children some TV.

Comment here what your TV rules are and let us know what your stance is on the topic. 

Monday, May 5, 2014

Pregnancy Hospital Bag

It's finally here.  Your first contraction. Time to drive to the hospital and have this baby!  Just don't forget to grab your hospital bag.

To make this time easy and enjoyable for you, don't wait until the last minute to pack your bags.  Instead, a month before your due date set aside 10 minutes each day for one week to prepare what you will take with you when labor hits. 

What to pack for daddy...
  • A towel for the car - if your water breaks before or during the car ride, you will want to protect the seats by sitting on a towel. I suggest you keep one in the vehicle instead of in your bags, so that no matter when labor strikes, you are A-OK. 
  • The Birth Plan - document on paper what your birth plan is and remind your husband to hand it to the nurses after you are admitted to the hospital
  • Snacks for dad -  my husband likes salty and I like sweet. I made sure to buy snacks that I know he enjoys and can pack in some energy. He will be focusing so much energy on helping you that he will forget to eat. Having something easily accessible will be nice for when he wants it.
  • His pillow - if your partner is anything like mine, he is fond of his own pillow and travels with it for overnights. Grab his pillow before you leave for the hospital. After your beautiful child has arrived and you two finally go down for rest, your partner find comfort in the familliarity of his pillow. Plus, it's not like the bed that the hospital provides is 5-star hotel quality. 
  • Change of clothes - something comfortable 
  • Cell phone charger
  • Dollar bills and change - for the vending machines!

What to pack for mommy...
  • Nursing nightgown and robe.
  • Nursing bra  (two).
  • I was so out of it after giving birth that when it came time for me to take my first shower, I didn't remember to take my bra off before I got into the running shower. I was happy I brought a 2nd one along. 
  • Flip-flop sandals -  If your feet are anything like mine, they look like sausages and sandals were the only shoes that would fit around those suckers.  I wore them in the shower too. 
  • Toiletries – you will shower at some point, so bring soap and shampoo.
  • Bath Towel – the hospital ones are rough, you will find comfort in your own towel.
  • Hair brush, ponytail holders.
  • Eye glasses (if you wear them).
  • Going-home outfit - something lose and comfortable.  I wore a nursing nightgown and robe home.

      What to pack for baby...
  • A going-home outfit 
  • A hat - your baby cannot control its body temperature yet, so keep a hat on him/her for the first 48 hours. 
  • The car seat - practice installing it in the car and learn how to correctly buckle the baby in BEFORE you go into labor.  Make sure Dad knows how too. 
  • Two blankets -  one to put on the baby and one to roll up and put into the car seat to act as a  prop for your baby's head, who cannot hold her head up on her own yet. 

What to get for your recovery at home...
There are some things that will happen “down there” that are going to require time to heal. 
  • Dermoplast Spray
  • Witch Hazel pads
  • Disposable underpads
  • Heavy, long maxipads
  • Regular maxipads
This list of items will be your saving grace during the process. The nurses at the hospital will
provide these during your stay and show you how to use. You'll need to purchase the items your
own though if you want them at home too. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Working Mom

Whether by choice or financial obligation, some mommies return to work after having a baby

"What if I hate returning to work?"
1.   This does not make you a bad employee
2.   Give it time before you make any rash decisions - settling back in can take a few days, weeks, months.
3.  Communicate with your spouse or support network, perhaps they can provide emotional support or help you plan for an alternative path forward.

"What if I love returning to work?"
1.   This does not make you a bad parent
2.   Enjoying your independence is fine, as long as you are not neglecting your kid.
3.   You will likely learn to juggle mommyhood and workerbee roles well

To my parent readers (or soon-to-be parents... or those maybe-someday parents): whether you have a job or stay at home, don't let someone else make you feel insecure about your decision. If someone passes judgement, or acts above you because they live differently then you, stop talking and walk away. You are the parent to your child, and no one can take that away from you. 

My Story...

For my first born, I was able to spend 10 glorious weeks at home with her until I returned to   work. 

Before I got pregnant, my job and my dog were my babies. At that time in my life, I knew I wanted children and I knew I wanted to return to work.  That was the path for me.  

After having my baby, my heart took over my head. I felt more fulfilled being a mother than I ever imagined possible. Caring for my daughter, teaching her, playing games, cuddling... it all felt just as productive as a full day at the office, if not more.  I was not expecting this.

So, when the time came to return to work, I was conflicted.  It didn't feel fair that I couldn't have both my job and my daughter.  I wanted to spend my day with both.  This wasn't an option for me though and I quickly moved on to worrying about who was going to watch her if it wasn't me, her mother.  They say it takes a village to raise a child, but the closest village members I had were a minimum of 2 hours away. It was just my husband and I where we live- we didn't have the luxury of family nearby.  

My "last day at home" was rough - I cried about 4 times.  I worried about little things: would my husband let her take her 10am nap on his chest like I did??  Would he make sure she got enough tummy time and cuddles?? Did he know that babies aren't supposed to play with sharp objects?? (I never said I was rational). My husband was cautious during this time (smart man). He let me have my ups and downs and pretty much steered clear that day. I snuggled her tight, made sure all of our routine was captured in my memory, and as I fell asleep that night I said a prayer for my family. 

Option 1: Daycare? little kids running around my 10 week old.  The sheer thought of it brought about slow-motion pictures in my mind of my baby being left unattended in a corner.  No Thanks! Moving on...

Option 2: Babysitter? We couldn't afford one yet.  

Option 3: Stay at home parent. I am the "bread winner" as my hubby says sweetly, so me being at home wasn't going to work out. Luckily for my sanity and my daughter, my husband goes on layoff every down-season and was able to coordinate starting his time off on the day I returned to work. Looks like we have a winner! If my daughter couldn't be with me all day, the next best thing would have to be time with her daddy. 

Any worries I had about being back in the office quickly melted away as I sat back at my desk. I was warmly welcomed by my coworkers and team. I had enough to focus on that the day went by smoothly. It didn't drag on endlessly. My husband didn't call with an emergency. It was all in all an easy day.  So, What the heck was I worrying about? 

When I got home that evening, my partner was waiting for me, dog by side and baby in arms. It was the best welcome home I ever had. My daughter and I may not have had the day together, but her nightly routine became our mommy-daughter time. I would bathe her, feed her, play, and then start our bedtime routine of a goodnight book, song, prayer, and swaying to music. 

As I went to sleep that night, it began to dawn on me: this was the closest I was going to get to having my cake and eating it too. I had a job that I loved and a daughter who was my world. Even though I can't split them 50/50 all of the time, it is a juggling act and so far I don't feel that I've dropped any balls yet.                                    

Monday, November 25, 2013

Baby Supplies Checklist for First-Time Parents

Planning ahead for parenthood can be a daunting task for a first-time parent, especially when it comes to knowing what to buy for your new family addition. It is no wonder that the most common question I am asked by pregnant families is "What am I going to need?"

This check list covers everything that a first-time parent will want and need to purchase. I have used every one of these products during the first few months at home with my newborn. Hopefully you find the level of detail to be helpful - I tried to be as descriptive as possible for you about the products that worked for my family as well as provide safety advice and useful tips.

I have not been endorsed by any of these products. Before purchasing any of these products, please do your due diligence to find out if any have been recalled.

I hope you find this list useful and I wish you the very best on your journey into parenthood.


£  Baby’s Crib
·         Do not put crib bumpers, pillows, toys, or blankets in the crib. They are a health risk to the baby before they are able to roll over by themselves.
·         Talk to your doctor once your baby can roll over and back on their own to discuss what you can place in the crib.
·         Do not put the crib over the wall or floor heater – you will want to keep the temperature in the nursery consistent and don’t want them next to the heater when it is on.
·         Tip: keep a fan in the nursery too.  Your baby will sleep better with constant white noise.
·         It is against health codes for a business to sell cribs with a drop-side (in the past there were cribs that lowered one panel so that you could easily pick up the baby. Too many accidents occurred though.)  If you buy a used crib, do not buy one with this feature.

£  Crib Mattress
·         Sold separately from the crib.

£  Fitted sheets for the crib
·         no other blankets until the Pediatrician gives you the OK.

£  A Crib Mobile
·         These days you can find any theme you like on sites like:;;

£  Baby Monitor
·         You can purchase the traditional audio monitor or a modern video monitor.

£  High Chair with Booster Seat combo
·         For when your child starts to eat solids and can sit up on their own.

£  Diaper Bag
·         Choose one that is decent sized, has easy front pockets to quickly shove something in or pull something out, and that both parents wouldn’t mind carrying (or buy one for each parent).

£  Car Seat Canopy
·         I highly recommend the Mother’s Lounge because of the chic patterns, steal of a price (under $20), and they fit most car seat makes and models.

£  Car Seat Liner
·         This is a thin insert that you put between your baby’s body and the car seat that prevents less sweating for your baby by allowing more air circulation.

£  Bumbo Seat
·         This is a dense foam type of seat for when your baby can lift their head up but not sit up on their own yet.

£  A Jumperoo
·         For when your baby is a old enough to sit on their own and begins showing interest in standing. The baby sits in this and can strengthen her legs by bouncing up and down. They also are great for stimulation and play, as they have different sounds and moving parts for the baby to play with.

£  Baby Carrier and/or Wrap
·         I cannot rave enough about ErgoBaby Performance Carrier. Moby Wrap are great too.
·         This is my #1 recommended product. It allows you to hold your baby anywhere while keeping your hands and arms free. Your baby will love it because they desire to be held. You will love it because it not only makes it easier when you go out into the world but is nice at home too when you want to get some chores or activities done.
·         Tip: YouTube videos on how to tie.
·         Tip: Skip buying the infant insert for the carrier and swaddle your baby in a blanket instead. It works just as good, is just as safe, and saves you some cash. 

£  Baby Swing
·         Seriously.  This is my #2 recommending product.  It is going to save you your sanity.
·         Choose a model that comes with a wall-plug – most are battery only (yikes).
·         We love our model: Fisher Price Cradle ‘N Swing Snuggle Bunny

£  Pack & Play
·         We bought one with a removable sleeper and diaper changer and used them both all the time her first 2 months. Well worth the extra cost. 
·         They come in travel versions too, which are smaller and lighter weight and great for the family that lives in smaller quarters or visits other homes regularly.
·         Tip: purchase a fitting play yard sheet too. This way if there is a diaper incident or other mess, you can wash.

£  Rocker / Glider Chair
·         As a mom, I so enjoy my rocker. Babies crave motion, especially newborns. Rockers allow you to bond with your baby and give your feet its much-needed rest. There is nothing more peaceful than rocking my baby to sleep in my arms as we sit comfortably in the Glider chair

£  Stroller 
·         These days you can find a stroller & car seat combo package. The car seat buckles in to the stroller so that you can take your newborn on walks or out in public.

£  Car Seat
·         When possible, always buy new so that you are sure the car seat is not a recalled model.  If you buy or are given a used model, research online the specific model and try to find out the year your model is too.
·         Graco has a massive recall in 2013 and 2014. Research this.
·         Most infant car seats now provide a base that stays buckled in to the car and the car seat snaps in and out of it. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.
·         Use the LATCH system whenever possible
·         ALWAYS seat rear-facing and in the back seat (research current stats for the age, weight limit, and/or height limit to when you can transition to forward seating seats and boosters.
·         When possible, position the car seat in the middle seat.  This is the safest spot for the baby.
·         Ask your doctor or the hospital about local “car seat installation” sessions – these are free and are instructed by certified people who can teach you the correct ways to buckle in your baby into the car seat and then how to correctly secure the infant seat into the car.

£  Infant bath
·         Bath time is such a fun bonding times for your baby and you.
·         Get hooded towels, a rubber duckie, and baby wash cloths and you are good to go!
·         Baby and I enjoy the “First Year’s Infant to Toddler Tub with Sling” model  because it transitions as your baby grows. Plus, it is designed to fit right on the kitchen sink, so you don't have to hurt your back bending over the regular tub.

£  Bouncer seat
·         Your baby will love this and so will you.

£  Activity Gym
·         For tummy time and back time. This is great for independent play time too.

£  Plush baby blankets
·         Super soft and work great on cold days or for laying out on the floor during tummy time.

£  Muslin swaddle blankets
·         Light-weight and work on warm days and for sleeping in the crib AFTER the doctor gives you permission. 

£  You will likely receive more outfits as presents than you may anticipate, because many people cannot resist the adorable clothes and teeny weeny sizes. 

£  Dreft baby laundry detergent
·         Wash everything before baby arrives. 
·         As you buy new clothes, wash them before you put them on the baby.

£  Baby hangers and / or a dresser for storage
·         I also bought some inexpensive bins for storing go-to’s like towels.

£  Swaddle Wraps & Sacks
·         Yes, a blanket works. But this is SO much easier and keeps the baby wrapped up better.
·         Get a Halo Swaddle Wrap. Trust me! For our first days at home, this was a necessity, therefore This is my #3 recommending product.

£  Sleepers size newborn & 0-3 Month
·         Long sleeve, pant leg, cuff on wrist to cover the hands.  (at least 6 in each size).
·         Babies tend to scratch up their face with their finger nails, so covering their hands is a good idea. My baby would knock off mittens, so I preferred these long-sleeve sleepers with the built in hand cover instead.
£  Onsies
·         Sizes newborn and 0-3 Month
·         Long sleeve and short sleeve (at least 6).

£  A Hat
·         At least one in new born size and one in 0-3 months.
·         Your baby cannot control its temperature yet. Keep a hat on him/her for her first few days; you can remove it after the 3rd day or so.

£  Socks
·         For their little toes and feet that you will kiss over and over again.
·         Socks work great as hand mittens too – they stay on longer than mittens.

£  Diapers – Pampers Swaddlers
·         I LOVE Pampers brand the most.
·         Buy in sizes Newborn and 1 first .      
·         These are my favorite. When the diaper is soiled a blue line appears, so you know when a new one is needed with just a glance.
·         Check out… we order a case of diapers and wipes and have it mailed to the house.  Stocking up is always a good idea. It is cost-effective and you don’t end up going to the store every week.

£  Wipes
·         Pampers Sensitive is the brand I like the most, but each parent has their own preference

£  Diaper Genie and bags

£  Diaper pad (with diaper pad cover)

£  Disposable underpads
·         Place under the baby when changing diapers –especially for you first-time parents who will need time to change diapers in the beginning.

£  Thermometer 
·         Rectal works best (unfortunately).
·         Ear thermometers are OK but not as accurate.

£  Bulb Syringe Aspirator (the nose suction thingy)
·         Forget the cute little pink or blue ones at Target. You need the hospital-grade large ones.
·         Sometimes you need to suck over and over again to get the boogies out. Your little one may cry and scream, but those boogies need to come out. So when you are done, know that somewhere I am thinking “good job mommy/daddy!”

£  Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water
·         This is a natural remedy if your baby has gas. Follow instructions on the box.

£  Gas Relief Drops
·         This is another remedy for gas relief. Follow instructions on the box.

£  Vitamin D in liquid drop form (talk to your doctor about this).

£  Baby bath towels and wash cloths.

£  Baby shampoo, wash, and lotion.

£  Diaper Crème
·         Buttpaste (yup, that’s what the brand is).

£  NO baby powder
·         It is for toddlers.
·         It is not for newborns and young infants as they are not supposed to inhale it.

£  Children’s Books
·         It is never too early to start reading to your baby.
·         Start with board books so that your baby can touch and grab without ripping pages.  Touch & Play books are fun too, because they provide the additional sensory feature of different fabrics and textures.
·         A few of my personal favorites:
§  Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by Kate Toms
§  Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney
§  Brown Bear Brown Bear by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle

£  Music, Music, MUSIC
·         Pandora’s “Heavenly Lullabies” station. 
§  It plays music like Aerosmith, Adele, etc. in musical versions. 
§  We use an iPod speaker and play it all the time.
§  When you are up at all hours of the night comforting your baby, the music will soothe you both.
£  TOYS!  
·         Make sure they are age appropriate to avoid choking hazards.  For instance, avoid stuffed animals with bead/glass eyes: your infant loves to put everything in its mouth and could potentially get the eye off the toy and into its mouth and accidentally choke. 
·         Toys for your baby to chew and gnaw on.
·         Taggies
§  These are toys with little tags from ribbon placed all over, because one genius caught on that babies always seem to find the tag on a toy and suck on it. 
·         Toys that make sounds or play music
§  Like the Fisher Price Laugh & Learn puppy

£  A Harmony Lantern
·         Night-light Lantern with swap-out screens. .
·         We received this as a gift. It works wonderful as a night-light and I find it gorgeous.  The baby finds it mesmerizing as well.  They offer so many insert options, like ones for the holidays and others to match your nursery theme.

£  Crib Soother
·         This great for when your baby is a few months old and wants some calming music/sound and light to fall asleep to. Mine loved this Little Einstein Under the Sea soother.

Moms are going to do one of the following options: breastfeed exclusively, pump their milk elusively, formula feed exclusively, or find a combination of the three that works for them. I strongly urge you to be sensitive to other moms and how they feed their baby. You are entitled to your opinion on what you think is best, but don't forget that she is too and she may not believe the same method that you use is right for her family. Correct me if I am wrong, but one of the biggest annoyances is when someone else tries to tell you that your parenting method is wrong. 

 First, let me begin with this: Breastfeeding is hard at first. Nobody warned me about this! You and your baby are both doing it for the first time. Some babies latch on with no problem; others, like mine, have difficulty latching on. Some women produce enough milk and have the right flow. I was lucky enough to produce enough milk, but my flow did not accommodate baby’s needs. 

Second: Pumping for the first time is so comical. You will be amazed by how “the ladies” work, and proud of the quantity you produce. I hated to pump at first, but then I got used to it. So, stick with it even if you don’t want to… but then, if you still can’t or don’t want to continue, it is your decision alone to switch to formula.  My daughter responded the best to Similac formula, specifically the Sensitive product.  

£  Privacy cover – for feeding or pumping with privacy.
·         I recommend Bebe Au Lait, it has piping at the neck so that can easily see what you or the baby are doing. I’ve used one without and you end up holding the screen up the entire time.

£  Breast Pads
·         Wear these so that if/when you leak, your blouse and bra are protected.
·         I purchased a whole bulk order off of

£  Lanolin Cream
·         for sore or cracked nipples.

£  Nipple Shields
·         They help the baby latch on and they save you some of the discomfort.

£  Medela Double Breast Pump.
·         Check with your health insurance plan, sometimes your coverage provides  free or discounted breast pump.
·         Tip: Pump both breasts at the same time. This will save you a lot of time.
·         Tip: Buy an “Easy Expression Bustier”!!! Trust me, it looks silly but you will need free hands for your own sanity.
·         Tip: Buy multiple sets of pump shields. This way you aren’t washing bottles and pump supplies after every use.  I have a set of 5 and do a wash 2xs a day.

£  Bottles
·         You can purchase packs that come with 5oz bottles (you will not need an 8ox until at least after 3months), Slow flow nipples (for ages 0-4months), lids and caps.

£  Palmolive Baby Soap
·         For bottles, toys, and dishes (you can find them in the soap aisle with other sink detergents).

£  Bottle brush and wands
·         for scrubbing dirty bottles, toys, and dinnerware.
·         Stock up, because you will go through a lot over the months and they are inexpensive.

£  Bottle Drying Rack